Wednesday, December 17, 2008



Wednesday, December 10, 2008


One of my best friend got married on last Saturday.

We've konwn each other for 7 years and spent lots of unforgettable memories together.

Going to the wedding party, I wore a long-sleeved kimono to celebrate her wedding.

It is one of traditional costume in Japan.

For example, when people become an adult(as for Japanese, it is 20 years old), almost all of Japanese girls attend a formal ceremony in a long-sleeved kimno.

We can wear it at some very special event.

Anyway, the wedding was sooooooooo wonderful and my friend was soooooooo beautiful in wedding dress.

I hope someday I get married to someone who love me sooooo much!!! hehe



Sunday, December 7, 2008


So i need to post a couple more times before this semester is over. I hope everyone has had a wonderful time so far at school and what not. I know for me the past few months have gone by very quick and i cant believe its already almost 2009. I met a lot of awesome people and learned a lot of Japanese and other stuff... lol. The parties were fun and I'm sure the parties over winterbreak will be just as good :) I wish everyone a good holiday break and merry chirstmas to everyone!

Saturday, December 6, 2008


こんばんわみなさん。いまわ友達ととしょかんでファイナルのためでべんきょうしています。ちょうとうブローグにかこうと思っていました。ファイナルは本当にたいへんだね!図書館にたくさんの人がいます。みんながんばてべきょうしています。MSU はいいだいがくからたくさんべんきょうしなくちゃいけませんと思います。こんばんもおそとがとてもさむいですよ!じゃこれでおわります:)みんなもこれをよまなくて、ファイナルのべんきょうしいや!:)

Monday, December 1, 2008



Friday, November 28, 2008


So, I have been on a bit of a lucky streak in terms of winning things this weekend.

It started with a videogame called Gears of War 2. My brother and I (well, my youngest brother) have only seen each other 3 or so times since the school semester started, so we needed some bonding time and the game proved to be the perfect remedy for our troubles. To try and summarize it without spoiling it, as we beat it in less than a day haha, the human race has been beaten down to the point of extinction by an alien race called the Locusts. The humans are now down to their last city, which is also their stronghold, and well... I will stop there. Oh, and another thing I should add is that the Locusts move and live underground... and most of them are humanoids... sorry, this probably sounds confusing, oi.

Anyhow, after that, we played a game called Sequence, which involved two decks of cards and a board that has the pictures of the cards, and it is your goal to try and get a sequence of 5 numbers in a row, thus the title, sequence :). Meanwhile, your opponents try to block you off, so it is a lot harder than it sounds. It requires some strategy, but also a fair amount of luck... it is like, a more advanced version of Bingo.

Then, just now, I played a game of Texas Hold'em, which is a kind of poker for any of you who are unfamiliar with it. There were 8 of us playing and I made it all the way down to the final 2. Coincidentally, my last opponent was the same brother I just beat Gears of War 2 with. We just decided to call it a tie and split the cash (we both got 7 bucks, wasn't much, but any amount of cash helps hehe).

I'm a bit worried that I used up all of my luck because I have a test in Japanese on Monday and I could use all the help I can get, but, it has been a good weekend so I cannot complain. My cousins did end up coming over after all and we had a thanksgiving feast; corn, turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy and all. Hopefully all of you are having as lucky, or at least as fantasic of weekends as I am and, from the looks of these other posts, I think it is safe to say that you are :). Take care!