Tuesday, September 30, 2008


はじめまして。私の名前はパザウ ムーアです。今私は19歳です。二年生です。専門は英語と日本語です。趣味は寝ることと、サッカーをすることと、食べることです。でも今ぜんぜん寝ません。たくさん宿題がありますよ。まだ日本へ行ったことがありませんが、来年の夏行きたいと思っています。blogをかいておねがいします。

Hi everyone. My name is Pazau Moua. I am a second year student majoring in English and Japanese.I like doing many things actually. I enjoy anything fun and appealing.My favorite type of music is alternative. Recently I have been listening to Ellegarden. I haven’t seen many T.V. shows lately but when I do watch, I watch a lot of cartoon.My favorite cartoon character is Bloo.I watch a lot of characters because I have many younger brothers and sisters.

That’s a little about me.I am excited to be in contact with you all.


1 comment:

kaede said...

i tried to change my picture but i can't to change that sorry. i would sent you my picture in your e-mail box.