Thursday, November 6, 2008


I went to uni for english speaking practice today and we got "My First Date" as the speaking topic. Obviously, it is not a good topic for every one and it makesus a little bit embarrassed.
My question for this topic is which aspect of your romantic history makes you dont wanna talk anymore? It was interesting that most people wont like to talk about their ex-girlfriend or ex-boyfriend.
The only different opinion from a weird guy is which he doesnt wanna talk about the money conflict with his ex-girlfriend. This is understandable because money conflict always being the most difficult problem which hard to solve and trouble you all the time.

1 comment:

Rothley said...

It probably just brings back the bad memories, you know, the reason why people separated from their significant other in the first place. I know I wouldn't want to be reminded of a person I used to love and they hurt me. It's hard to say, everyone's reasons are different.
But that would be a bit too personal to share with classmates and I definitely wouldn't want to.