Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Hey everyone, i just thought i would share my frustrations with everyone! Is anyone else just swamped in exams this week? It seems like for the past 3-5 days all I have had time for is study study study. My Econ test on Friday is what scares me the most. I feel like no matter what i do i just end up mixing up all the vocab words. Lol, i guess ill just have to study some more? Anyways, this is all boring talk. Is anyone else excited for Halloween! Its on Friday! Please everyone be safe out there and dont take any candy from strangers. Listen to what your parents and teachers taught you in 3rd grade. Talking about 3rd grade, i wish i could go back to those good ole days when all i thought about was pokemon and recess... Well back to studying. I hope everyone is enjoying their night :)

1 comment:

Yuki Ando said...

Hi Potter San!!!
I'm Yuki.
How's your exam going?
Has it already fiished?

Anyway, I hope that every exam will be do well :-)